Friday, May 2, 2014

Slow Week In Milwaukee

I've went out fishing three times this past week on the Menomonee and haven't caught a single fish.  I did, however, catch this adorable turtle by hand.

Yesterday, I tied some flies from some clearance bin craft store yarn hoping they'll be good for rough fish.  I call the flies "hooker eyelashes," it's funny on a couple different levels

The fishing was no different yesterday than it has been.  I probably covered a mile of stream and only saw three fish.  I think the rain and cold has slowed the sucker run, but I don't really know what temperature suckers spawn at.  I took the opportunity to explore the restoration progress since the fishing was slow.  The improvements are looking nice!


  1. Hobby Lobby yarn? I have the same stuff and love it!

    1. It came from Jo-Ann actually. I kind of remember your hobby lobby flies, but I thought that yarn had tinsel and stuff in it. This is just acryllic I believe. very similar though. I'm going to fool around with it.

  2. Haha, love the name of that fly. Great stuff. Hopefully your luck will turn around soon.

    1. Really, any credit for the fly probably goes to Ryan, the first commenter.

  3. I will just add that if those new "Hooker Eyelash" flies produce then you will have become a happy hooker!
